Finding Hope: My Journey to Tinnitus Habituation

In early 2021 I got Tinnitus, which is a constant ringing in the ears. The tinnitus was probably triggered by one of three things:

  • Stress
  • Covid
  • Medication (for stress)

When I got covid right on New Year’s Day of 2021, something really wierd happened that I still can’t adequately describe, where I had severe anxiety and severe insomnia. The next six months were among the worst in my life, and it took me at least a year and a half to recover fully. But fast forward to today, and I am doing wonderful. I don’t have a problem with anxiety or insomnia, and I am pretty happy.

In 2021, as I started feeling like I was recovering (a little) from Tinnitus I started a YouTube channel called the Tinnitus Coach. I was a little apprehensive about appearing on camera for the world to see, but I felt it was important for me to make a record of what I was doing, because tinnitus is something that can torment people to the point of hopelessness, severe deppression and even suicide. Even worse, while people are feeling hopeless, there are companies and people who are out to make money off of tinnitus sufferers who are looking for literally anything to make the ringing in their ear stop. When these “snake oil” cures don’t work, it makes people even more hopeless, and I’m sure some people have even taken their lives because of these profit seekers.

Guide to Habituating to Tinnitus

While I am not an expert with making videos, I made a comprehensive guide to managing tinnitus, and learning about this thing called tinnitus habituation, which seems like it would be impossible when someone is new to having this condition:

Testimonial on How my Strategy for Tinnitus Habituation Helped

Yesterday, I got a message from one of my YouTube subscribers named George Castaneda that really touched me. Here is what he said:

David I have said this many times on this venue, if it hadn’t been for you, I don’t know where I would be today! Your unrelenting coaching encouragement throughout these past years have helped me immensely! People out there read my comment! This man saved me from deep dark despair! After having tinnitus for 2 years I can say I feel 90% much better sleeping well and many times now not hearing Tinnitus! I owe it all to David! Everything he said that would happen in this long journey happened. All good endings! Hang in there everyone great days are coming your way!

I am so thankful for him, and I humbly tell you that I have received MANY messages from other people who expressed how they were in their darkest times, and then they found my videos, and they got better. It makes me feel so good inside to know that I helped people, especially since I also suffered to the point of extreme torment. I have also started a discusion forum called Tinnitus Forums where I’ve started to build a community, and hopefully allow people to help each other and share their stories.