Something Interesting

Failed Ideas

Failed ideas are great if you went through the process of trying to make something work, but you learned a lot in the process, and I suppose in this sense, it really isn’t a failure. I’ve made a lot of websites and web apps, and definitely some of them are no longer in existence. So …

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My Cats in 2006

In 2006, Shelley and I had 3 cats: Captain, Prissy and Eartha. Here they are… πŸ™‚ Prissy is Orange. Captain is White and you can see he lost an eye, and Eartha is the grey tabby.

Today is my Birthday

Today was a relaxing day, and I enjoyed it very much. It wasn’t that different from other days, but had some nice surprises, and I was around good people. Here is a little run down: It was a great day, and I wanted to write and remember it. πŸ˜Š I hope that if you read this, you …

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Maria Callas

I first heard the song watching a ballroom dance couple from Italy dancing a Waltz to it. The dance was so beautiful because it was enhanced by the song. At the time I had no idea about the origin of the song. Then I was browsing at Barnes and Nobles and listening to some different …

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Smoke in Atlanta

I’ve never seen anything like it. There is smoke throughout the city. You walk outside and the visability is very low. For me it is causing my throat to swell up and a cough that won’t go away. There is a fire down in South Georgia that has been burning for over 1 month now …

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