My Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Ruling Planet: the Moon

I won’t say this is all true, but this is a technical analysis of my Zodiac sign. It is interesting to read. 🙂

My Zodiac Sign: Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

  • Element: Water
  • Modality/Quality: Cardinal
  • Ruling Planet: Moon
  • Symbol: Crab (♋)
  • Birthstone: Ruby, Pearl
  • Lucky Colors: White, Silver, Soft Blue
  • Lucky Day: Monday
  • Strengths: Loyal, empathetic, nurturing, protective
  • Weaknesses: Moody, insecure, prone to withdrawal

Since I’m a Cardinal Water sign, I blend leadership and emotional depth. The Cardinal quality makes me someone who initiates—I often get the ball rolling when it comes to nurturing relationships and caring for others. As a Water sign, I’m highly intuitive and emotionally responsive. I have a deep understanding of emotions, both my own and those of others, and this empathetic connection makes me an excellent caregiver, friend, and partner.

The Moon rules my sign, which means I’m deeply influenced by lunar cycles. My emotions can change as frequently as the phases of the Moon. This adds complexity to my character, making me both intuitive and receptive to the moods of those around me. I have a natural instinct for creating a secure, nurturing environment, and I find a lot of fulfillment in caring for others.

Key Technical Astrological Details

  1. Sun Sign (Cancer): My Sun is in Cancer, which places me firmly in tune with my inner world of emotions and the feelings of those around me. The Sun represents my core identity, vitality, and purpose in life. As a Cancer Sun, I am driven by the need to nurture, protect, and find emotional security.
  2. Moon Sign: The Moon is especially important for me as a Cancer, since it’s my ruling planet. Given my birth time of 4:22 pm, my Moon sign is likely Libra. If my Moon is indeed in Libra, it adds an element of charm, diplomacy, and a desire for balance in my emotional life. I often prioritize harmony in relationships, which complements my Cancer need for closeness and emotional depth.
  3. Rising Sign (Ascendant): My Rising Sign is likely Sagittarius or Capricorn, depending on the exact minute of my birth. Based on my location (Tallahassee, FL) and time of birth, I might lean towards Sagittarius Rising.
    • If I have Sagittarius Rising, it gives me a more adventurous and optimistic approach to life than what’s typical for a Cancer. I come across as more outgoing, enthusiastic, and curious, sometimes masking my shyness or protectiveness. I love to explore new ideas, places, and cultures, which adds a nice balance to my home-oriented Cancer Sun.
    • Alternatively, if my Rising Sign is Capricorn, it means that my exterior might appear serious and practical, which contrasts with my emotional Cancer core. People may see me as reserved or ambitious, valuing discipline and hard work, but I still have a deeply nurturing and emotional inner world.
  4. Mercury in Cancer: With Mercury also in Cancer, my communication style is empathetic and caring. I speak from the heart and often consider how my words will affect others. I am likely a great listener, always ready to offer comfort, and I prefer intimate, meaningful conversations over casual small talk.
  5. Venus in Leo: I likely have Venus in Leo, which means I express love in bold, demonstrative ways. I enjoy showing affection and love to make the people I care about feel special. In relationships, I crave recognition and warmth, and I’m often generous with my time and energy. This placement also gives me a creative, expressive approach to romance, blending well with Cancer’s nurturing energy.
  6. Mars in Scorpio: With Mars in Scorpio, I possess a powerful and passionate energy when pursuing my goals and desires. I am persistent and focused when something truly matters to me. This placement indicates a deep well of strength, intensity, and a desire for emotional intimacy, adding a determination that allows me to push through challenges that others might avoid.
  7. Midheaven (MC) in Virgo: My Midheaven (career point) might be in Virgo, which means I’m detail-oriented and service-driven in my professional pursuits. I find fulfillment in careers where I can help others or bring order and practicality. I am likely known for my meticulous work ethic and reliability.

Notable Aspects in My Chart

  • Sun Conjunct Mercury: This aspect means my thoughts and identity are closely aligned, making me articulate and capable of expressing myself well, especially when it comes to emotions.
  • Moon Square Venus: This might indicate some tension between what I need emotionally and what I desire in relationships. It can create a dynamic where I sometimes feel unfulfilled in love or pulled between comfort and passion.
  • Mars Trine Neptune: I have an ability to combine imagination with action, making me naturally inclined towards creative pursuits and compassionate causes. This aspect gives me strong intuition and the ability to pursue my dreams in a subtle yet effective way.

My Personality Overview

  • Emotional Depth: I have a rich inner life and am deeply connected to my emotions. I am empathetic, intuitive, and have a natural ability to pick up on the feelings of others, which makes me a wonderful support to those around me.
  • Protective Nature: Like the Crab that represents Cancer, I often build a “shell” around myself to protect my vulnerable heart. I am incredibly loyal to those I love and will go to great lengths to keep them safe and secure.
  • Balance of Adventure and Security: With a Sagittarius Rising (or possibly Capricorn), I balance home-oriented Cancer energy with a desire for exploration. I value both comfort and growth—I want a safe home base but am also open to new experiences and learning.

My Ruling Planet: The Moon

Since The Moon rules me, I’m especially in tune with lunar movements. My mood and energy levels are likely tied to the Moon’s phases. During the New Moon, I may feel introspective, while the Full Moon can make me more expressive or sometimes overwhelmed by emotions. Paying attention to the Moon’s cycles helps me better understand my own emotional ups and downs.

Water Element: The Emotional Ocean

As a Water sign, I’m part of the same element group as Scorpio and Pisces. This means I feel things deeply, even if I don’t always express it outwardly. Water signs are about sensitivity, empathy, and emotional connection. As a Cardinal Water sign, I initiate emotional connections. I’m often the person who makes the first move to offer support, start a relationship, or nurture someone in need.

Cardinal Quality: The Initiator

My Cardinal Quality means I’m not just emotional—I’m also a leader, especially in family and personal matters. I take charge when it comes to nurturing others and am often the glue that holds my family together. My ability to combine emotional intelligence with action means that people look to me for comfort and stability.