Pearl N. McEwen – History Needs Attention
How fitting it is, after so many years, for our families to meet hereduring Dunnellon’s celebration of its past, to which our Vogt family mademajor contributions. How important is our history to us? The followingquotations put this question in good perspective: “Let the dead past bury its dead”,Longfellow wrote. That’s bad advicebased on bad information. The Pastis not dead. Another …
Albertus Vogt – Moving Notice and Obituary
From The Leesburg Commercial (1904) _____ By _____ NE South & East Fla. Publishing Co.JOS. H. C. PRATT, – – Editor. We notice by the Bartow Courier-Informant that our friend, Mr. Al-bertus Vogt, the “Duke of Dunnellon”,the man who first discovered phosphatein Florida and made fortunes for him-self and others and built up a greatindustry in the State out of the find; …
Albertus Vogt – To My Sweetheart
North StreetLakeland (FL) 1914 To-my-Sweetheart (Dedicated to Marguerite.)now my wife God’s truest artist wrought your formWith subtle graces in its curves,And strength and beauty to adornA Goddess such as you deserveTo make you divine, “My Sweetheart.” Your guardian angel at your birth, Brought down from out the skies Two wide blue townships in the earth, …
Albertus Vogt – Article from Ocala Daily Banner
This is taken from a newspaper article, written by Albertus Vogt, and publishedin the Ocala Daily Banner, Wednesday, August 10, 1910. Albertus describes his early family life in Hancock County, Georgia, during theCivil War: “No man is more grateful in his remembrance to the faith of the coloredpeople, kept as slaves to their owners’ families …
Life in Florida – by Albertus Vogt
Copy ofNewspaper Clipping, dated June 28, 1889 LIFE IN FLORIDA by ALBERTUS VOGT THE WITHLACOOCHEE “The water-lily dips its vase of snowOn many a shallow cove along whose graceful edge the purple flowers grow And dappled river beds and tufted sedge,And in the stream beneath their image liesMirrored like beauty in a lover’s eyes.” Almost immediately on …
Albertus Vogt – Excerpts from a personal autobiography
Excerpts from a personal autobiography of Albertus Vogt, which was printed in the Ocala Banner in 1893. “In my memory there is a sacred picture which I feel is no sacrilege togive the public a glimpse of, for in the main the public heart is right, thebetter nature predominates in the majority of people. Born with …
Albertus Vogt – Excerpts from a personal autobiography Read More »